psychological whatever scale clear: 0: there is nothing wrong. green (normal levels.): 1: something so feint that i barely realize it. someone i know is sad, or something insignifigant of mine went missing. 2: maybe a bit offputting at first, but easily managable. like, sitting down with said sad friend, or the mental equivalant of stubbing a toe. 3: i can work around it, with difficulty. typically when i'm starting to get a little stressed, but it's not bad yet. yellow (something's wrong.): 4: compensation for this is getting hard. i should get myself away from what's happening, but i can function without doing so at this point. 5: this is to the point where i need to find an outlet for this. i can still cohesively think, but it is very hard. normally after a day of small stuff, and then something big happens, and it breaks me. 6: it is distressing to the point where i am almost unable to function. steps to push it back are possible, but this is upper limit to what i can manage while staying alright. i need to physically get away from whatever is causing this. i probably wont remember it exactly as it happened at this point. orange (something is very wrong.): 7: i cannot handle it. if i can manage to get away from whatever is causing it, and find a trusted person with whom to recover, i'm still able to function after. i forget a chunk of what happened these days: key things and the events leading to them stay. 8: i cannot function. the only thing i can do to stop this is to wait until it passes in a safe environment. reality as i know it is twisting away. i forget more than half of what happened these days, sometimes the whole day. red (something is so much more than wrong.): 9: i am completely unable to do anything. lost grip on reality. panic attacks on top of several high-stressors. if i hit this point, i will have disregarded social norms and will attempt to physically hide or run away. 10: i might as well be gone. there isnt a single instance where i can say i've hit this point. consider me to be at high-risk for anything.